Western Australia
Located 240kms north-east of Perth, the predominantly farming community of Koorda dedicates itself to growing wheat, coarse grains and sheep.
Early in September, Koorda hosts its annual Agricultural Show, which brings together past and present Koorda residents, along with a large number of visitors. The show features many agricultural events and displays, including the ‘corn dollies’, the emblem of the shire. Visit the old hospital, now the town museum, for historical displays of farm machinery and hospital equipment. There is also a privately owned museum which houses a display of Motor and Military paraphernalia.
The Koorda Drive In shows double features throughout the year. Take a trip down memory lane, or experience this unique attraction for the first time.
Cottage crafts are on display at the local centre situated in Railway Street. Koorda is the regional office for Cooperative Bulk Handling’s cereal grain transport system for the surrounding area. A tour of the modern complex will give an appreciation of the processes involved in the receiving and handling of the vast quantity of grain grown here. Bookings are essential so please contact CBH to make arrangements.
Facilities in this Town:
Connect with this town
Local Information Centre:
Koorda Community Resource Centre
41-43 Railway Street
Koorda WA 6475
Phone: (08) 9684 1081
Email: koorda@crc.net.au
Website: koorda.crc.net.au
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm